Publications of Michael E. Smith
NOTE: SPRING 2015: I have stopped uploading current papers to this website.
See my page on for all of my current and recent papers. I don't think I've managed to post all of my older papers there, so this site has a more complete record of my early publications.
[Books and Edited Volumes] [Journal Articles and Book Chapters] [Book Reviews] [Encyclopedia Entries] [Non-Peer Reviewed Publications]
This publications list contains my downloadable articles. For a full list of my publications, see my Curriculum Vitae. Most of these are available in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader. Unpublished papers are posted on a separate non-public page; email me if you want access. If ASU had an institutional repository for reprints I wouldn't have to have a page like this, but until we join the information age and catch up to Open Access standards this page will have to do. See my publishing blog entries on Open Access.
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Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Smith, Michael E., Aleksander Borejsza, Angela Huster, Charles D. Frederick, Isabel Rodríguez López and Cynthia Heath-Smith (2013) Aztec-Period Houses and Terraces at Calixtlahuaca: The Changing Morphology of a Mesoamerican Hilltop Urban Center. Journal of Field Archaeology 38(3):227-243.
Isendahl, Christian and Michael E. Smith (2013) Sustainable Agrarian Urbanism: The Low-Density Cities of the Mayas and Aztecs. Cities 31: 132-143.
2012-- Smith, Michael E. (2012) The Role of Ancient Cities in Research on Contemporary Urbanization. UGEC Viewpoints (Urbanization and Global Environmental Change) 8:15-19.
2012-- Stanley, Benjamin W., Barbara L. Stark, Katrina Johnston and Michael E. Smith (2012) Urban Open Spaces in Historical Perspective: A Transdisciplinary Typology and Analysis. Urban Geography 33(8): 1089-1117.
2012-- Smith, ME., Gary M. Feinman, Robert D. Drennan, Timothy Earle and Ian Morris. Archaeology as a Social Science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 7617-7621.
2012-- Smith, Michael E. and Juliana Novic (2012) Neighborhoods and Districts in Ancient Mesoamerica. In The Neighborhood as a Social and Spatial Unit in Mesoamerican Cities, edited by Marie Charlotte Arnauld, Linda Manzanilla and Michael E. Smith, pp. 1-26. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
2012-- Smith, ME (2012) Archaeology, Early Complex Societies, and Comparative Social Science History. In The Comparative Archaeology of Complex Societies, edited by Michael E. Smith, pp. 321-329. Cambridge University Press, New York.
2012-- Smith, ME and Peter Peregrine (2012) Approaches to Comparative Analysis in Archaeology. In The Comparative Archaeology of Complex Societies, edited by Michael E. Smith, pp. 4-20. Cambridge University Press, New York.
2011-- Smith, ME. (2011) Empirical Urban Theory for Archaeologists. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 18: 167-192.
2011-- Smith, Michael E. (2011) Calixtlahuaca. In Historia general ilustrada del Estado de México, tomo 1, geografía y arqueología, edited by Yoko Sugiura Yamamato, pp. 271-277. El Colegio Mexiquense, Toluca.
2011 -- Smith, Michael E. (2011) Las ciudades prehispánicas: su traza y su dinámica social. In Historia general ilustrada del Estado de México, tomo 2, etnohistoria, edited by Rosaura Hernández Rodríguez and Raymundo César Martínez García, pp. 369-391. El Colegio Mexiquense, Toluca.
2011-- York, Abigail, Michael E. Smith, Benjamin Stanley, Barbara L. Stark, Juliana Novic, Sharon L. Harlan, George L. Cowgill and Christopher Boone (2011) Ethnic and Class-Based Clustering Through the Ages: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Urban Social Patterns. Urban Studies 48(11):2399-2415.
2011-- Smith, ME. Aztecs. In Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion, edited by Timothy Insoll, pp. 555-569. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
2011-- Smith, ME. Classic Maya Settlement Clusters as Urban Neighborhoods: A Comparative Perspective on Low-Density Urbanism. Journal de la Société des Américanistes 97(1):51-73.
2011-- Harris, Richard and Michael E. Smith (2011) The History in Urban Studies: A Comment. Journal of Urban Affairs 33:99-105 (with reply by Bowen et al).
2011-- Tomaszewski, Brian M. & ME Smith (2011) Politics, Territory, and Historical Change in Postclassic Matlatzinco (Toluca Valley, central Mexico). Journal of Historical Geography 37:22-39.
2010-- Smith, Michael E. (2010) La época posclásica in Morelos: surgimiento de los Tlahuica y Xochimilca. In La arqueología en Morelos: Dinámicas sociales sobre las construcciones de la cultura material, edited by Sandra López Varela, pp. 131-156. Historia de Morelos: Tierra, gente, tiempos del Sur, tomo2. Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Morelos / Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos / Ayuntamiento de Cuernavaca / Instituto de Cultura de Morelos, Cuernavaca.
2010-- Smith, ME. (2010) Just How Useful is Archaeology for Scientists and Scholars in Other Disciplines. SAA Archaeological Record 10(4):15-20.
2010-- Regional and Local Market Systems in Aztec-Period Morelos. In Archaeological Approaches to Market Exchange in Ancient Societies, edited by Christopher P. Garraty and Barbara L. Stark, pp. 161-182. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2010-- Smith, ME. Sprawl, Squatters, and Sustainable Cities: Can Archaeological Data Shed Light on Modern Urban Issues? Cambridge Archaeological Journal 20(2):229-253.
2010-- Smith, ME. The Archaeological Study of Neighborhoods and Districts in Ancient Cities. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29(2):137-154.
2009-- Smith, ME. V. Gordon Childe and the Urban Revolution: An Historical Perspective on a Revolution in Urban Studies. Town Planning Review 80:3-29.
2009-- Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase & ME Smith. States and Empires in Ancient Mesoamerica. Ancient Mesoamerica 20: 175-182.
2009-- Smith, ME. Editorial: Just How Comparative is Comparative Urban Geography?: A Perspective from Archaeology. Urban Geography 30:113-117.
2009-- NEWLY POSTED Smith, Michael E., Juliana Novic, Angela Huster and Peter C. Kroefges (2009) Reconocimiento superficial y mapeo en Calixtlahuaca. Expresión Antropológica 36:39-55.
2008-- (Published in 2009), Smith, ME. The Archaeology of Aztec City-State Capitals: Four Views of Aztec Urbanism / La arqueología de las ciudades-estado capitales aztecas: cuatro vistas al urbanismo azteca. In El urbanismo en mesoamérica / Urbanism in Mesoamerica, edited by Alba Guadalupe Mastache, Robert H. Cobean, Ángel García Cook and Keneth G. Hirth, pp. 447-499. Proyecto Urbanismo en Mesoamérica / The Mesoamerican Urbanism Project. vol. 2. Pennsylvania State University and Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, University Park and Mexico City.
2008-- Smith, Michael E. and Lisa Montiel (2008) Figurillas cerámicas e interacción interregional en el Valle de Yautepec desde el período Formativo al Postclásico. In Ideología política y sociedad en el periodo formativo: ensayos en homenaje al doctor David C. Grove, edited by Ann Cyphers and Kenneth G. Hirth, pp. 249-282. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.
2008-- Smith, ME. The Aztec Empire. In The Aztec World, edited by Elizabeth M. Brumfiel and Gary M. Feinman, pp. 121-136. Abrams, New York.
2007-- Smith, ME. Form and Meaning in the Earliest Cities: A New Approach to Ancient Urban Planning. Journal of Planning History 6: 3-47. ** Winner of the Catherine Bauer Wurster Prize for the “Best Scholarly Article on American Planning History” by the Society for American City and Regional Planning History (2007).**
2007-- Smith, ME. La cerámica posclásica de Morelos. In La producción alfarera en el México antiguo, edited by Beatriz Leonor Merino Carrión and Ángel García Cook, pp. 153-174. Colección Científica. vol. 5. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City.
2007 -- Smith, ME, Adrian Burke, Timothy S. Hare and Michael D. Glascock. Sources of Imported Obsidian at Postclassic Sites in the Yautepec Valley, Morelos: A Characterization Study Using XRF and INAA. Latin American Antiquity 18: 429-450.
2007-- Smith, Michael E. (2007) Tula and Chichén Itzá: Are We Asking the Right Questions? In Twin Tollans: Chichén Itzá, Tula, and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World, edited by Jeff Karl Kowalski and Cynthia Kristan-Graham, pp. 579-617. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.
2007-- Rojas, José Luis de and Michael E. Smith (2007) El imperio de la triple alianza (Tenochtitlan, Texcoco y Tlacopan) en el siglo XXI. Revista Española de Antropología Americana 37:81-07.
2006-- Foreward: Aztec Figurine Studies. In The Post-Classic Figurines of Central Mexico, by Flora Kaplan, pp. i-ix. Occasional Papers. vol. 11. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Albany.
2006-- Smith, Michael E. La fundación de las ciudades en el mundo antiguo: revisión de conceptos. In Nuevas ciudades, nuevas patrias: fundación y relocalización de ciudades en Mesoamérica y el Meditteráneo antiguo, edited by María Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León, Rogelio Valencia Rivera and Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, pp.11-23. Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.
The Founding of Cities in the Ancient World: Review of Concepts (English-language version of the above)
2006-- Smith, ME. La fundación de los capitales de las ciudades-estado aztecas: la recreación ideológico de Tollan. In Nuevas ciudades, nuevas patrias: fundación y relocalización de ciudades en Mesoamérica y el Meditteráneo antiguo, edited by María Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León, Rogelio Valencia Rivera and Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, pp. 257-290. Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.
2006-- Smith ME. How do Archaeologists Compare Early States? Book review essay on: The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities by Adam T. Smith, and Understanding Early Civilizations: A Comparative Study by Bruce Trigger. Reviews in Anthropology 35: 5-35.
2006-- Smith ME & Schreiber KJ. New World States and Empires: Politics, Religion, and Urbanism. Journal of Archaeological Research 14: 1-52.
2005-- Smith ME & M. Lind . Xoo-Phase Ceramics from Oaxaca Found at Calixtlahuaca in Central Mexico. Ancient Mesoamerica 16: 169-177 (published in 2006).
2005-- Smith ME. City Size in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica. Journal of Urban History 31: 403-434.
2005-- Smith ME. Life in the Provinces of the Aztec Empires. In Mysteries of the Ancient Ones, pp. 90-97. Scientific American, vol. 15 (1). Scientific American, New York. (revised reprint of 1997 article in Scientific American).
2004-- Smith ME. Did the Maya Build Architectural Cosmograms? Latin American Antiquity 16: 217-224.
2005-- Smith ME. Aztec-Style Ceramic Figurines from Yautepec, Morelos. Mexicon 27: 45-55.
2005-- Smith ME & Schreiber K. New World States and Empires: Economic and Social Organization. Review article solicited by the Journal of Archaeological Research 13: 189-229.
2004-- Smith ME. The Archaeology of Ancient State Economies. Annual Review of Anthropology 33: 73-102.
2004-- Smith ME. Los hogares de Morelos en el sistema mundial mesoamericano postclásico. Relaciones 25 (99): 79-113 (El Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico).
2004-- Berdan, FF & ME Smith. El sistema mundial mesoamericano postclásico. Relaciones 25 (99): 17-77 (El Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico).
2004-- Smith ME. American Indian Economies: General Overview. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, edited by Joel Mokyr, pp. 108-110. vol. 1. Oxford University Press, New York. **** NEWLY POSTED ****
2003-- Smith ME. Comercio Postclásico en la Cerámica Decorada: Malinalco, Toluca, Guerrero y Morelos. Arqueología 29: 63-84 ( Mexico City)
2003-- Smith ME. A Quarter-Century of Aztec Studies. Mexicon 25:1-10. Article solicited for the 25 th anniversary volume of the journal.
2003-- Smith ME. Can we Read Cosmology from Maya City Plans? Comment on Ashmore and Sabloff. Latin American Antiquity 14:221-228.
2003-- Smith ME. What Did Mesoamerican Commoners Think About “Pre-Sunrise Things?”: Comment on Hamann. Current Anthropology 44: 271.
2003-- Smith ME. Wharton JB. McCarron M. Las ofrendas de Calixtlahuaca. Expresión Antropológica 19: 35-53 (Instituto Mexiquense de Cultura, Toluca, Mexico).
2003-- Smith ME, JB Wharton & JM Olson Aztec Feasts, Rituals, and Markets: Political Uses of Ceramic Vessels in a Commercial Economy. In The Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires, edited by Tamara Bray, pp. 235-268 Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York.
2003-- Smith ME. Henderson JS. Archaeology: Mesoamerica. In Handbook of Latin American Studies: no. 59, Social Sciences, edited by Lawrence Boudon, pp. 1-40. University of Texas Press, Austin.
2003-- Smith ME. . Economic Change in Morelos Households. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, ed. ME Smith, FF Berdan, pp. 249-58. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press
2003-- Smith ME. . Key Commodities. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, ed. ME Smith, FF Berdan, pp. 117-25. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press
2003-- Smith ME. . Information Networks in Postclassic Mesoamerica. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, ed. ME Smith, FF Berdan, pp. 181-5. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press
2003-- Smith ME & FF Berdan . Postclassic Mesoamerica. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, ed. ME Smith, FF Berdan, pp. 3-13. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press
2003-- Smith ME & FF Berdan . Spatial Structure of the Mesoamerican World System. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, ed. ME Smith, FF Berdan, pp. 21-31. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press
2003-- Berdan, FF., MA Masson, J Gasco & ME Smith An International Economy. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, edited by Michael E. Smith and Frances F. Berdan, pp. 96-108. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
2003-- Boone, EH. & ME Smith Postclassic International Styles and Symbol Sets. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, edited by Michael E. Smith and Frances F. Berdan, pp. 186-193. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
2002-- Smith ME. Domestic Ritual at Aztec Provincial Sites in Morelos. In Domestic Ritual in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by Patricia Plunket, pp. 93-114. Monograph no. 46, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles.
2002-- Smith ME. The Earliest Cities. In Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology, edited by George Gmelch and Walter Zenner, 4 th ed., pp. 3-19. Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, IL.
2001-- Smith, ME. Urbanization. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davíd Carrasco, pp. 290-294. vol. 3. Oxford University Press, New York.
2001-- Smith ME. The Aztec World of Gary Jennings. In Novel History: American History According to the Novelists, edited by Mark C. Carnes, pp. 95-105. Simon and Schuster, New York.
2001-- Smith ME. The Aztec Empire and the Mesoamerican World System. In Empires: Comparative Perspectives from Archaeology and History, edited by Susan E. Alcock, Terence N. D'Altroy, Kathleen D. Morrison and Carla M. Sinopoli, pp. 128-154. Cambridge University Press, New York.
2001-- Smith ME. Postclassic Ceramics from the Toluca Valley in US Museums: The Bauer and Blake collections. Mexicon 23: 141-146
2001-- Elson, C & ME Smith Archaeological Evidence for the Aztec New Fire Ceremony. Ancient Mesoamerica 12: 157-174.
2001-- Smith ME & LM Montiel The Archaeological Study of Empires and Imperialism in Prehispanic Central Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 20:245-284.
2000-- Smith ME & FF Berdan The Postclassic Mesoamerican World System. Current Anthropology 41: 283-286.
2000-- Smith, M E. Aztec City-States. In A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures, edited by Mogens Herman Hansen, pp. 581-595. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen.
2000-- Smith ME. Postclassic Developments at Xochicalco. In Archaeological Research at Xochicalco vol. 2, The Xochicalco Mapping Project, edited by Kenneth G. Hirth, pp. 167-183. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. **** NEWLY POSTED ****
1999-- Smith ME. On Hirth’s “Distribution Approach.” Current Anthropology 40:528-530.
1999-- Smith ME. Heath-Smith C. & Montiel L. Excavations of Aztec Urban Houses at Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 10:133-150.
1996-- Smith ME & Hare TS. A New Postclassic Chronology for Yautepec, Morelos. Ancient Mesoamerica 7:281-298.
1996-- Smith, ME. The Strategic Provinces. In Aztec Imperial Strategies, by Frances F. Berdan, Richard E. Blanton, Elizabeth H. Boone, Mary G. Hodge, M. E. Smith, & Emily Umberger, pp. 137-150. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.
1996-- Smith ME. The Aztec Silent Majority: William T. Sanders and the Study of the Aztec Peasantry. In Arqueología Mesoamericana: Homenaje a William T. Sanders, vol. 1, edited by Alba Guadalupe Mastache, Jeffrey R. Parsons, Robert S. Santley, and Mari Carmen Serra Puche, pp. 375-386. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City. **** NEWLY POSTED ****
1996-- Smith ME. Gasco J. The Origins of Mesoamerican Civilization. Chapter 2 of The Legacy of Mesoamerica, edited by Robert Carmack, Janine Gasco, and Gary Gossen, pp.40-79. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
1994-- Smith ME. Hernán Cortés on Aztec City Size: Comment on Dobyns. Latin American Population History Bulletin 25: 25-27.
1994-- Smith ME. Heath-Smith C. Kohler R. Odess J. Spanogle S. & Sullivan T The Size of the Aztec City of Yautepec: Urban Survey in Central Mexico. Ancient Mesoamerica 5: 1-11.
1994-- Smith ME & Price JT Aztec-Period Agricultural Terraces in Morelos, Mexico: Evidence for Household-Level Agricultural Intensification. Journal of Field Archaeology 21: 169-179.
1994-- Smith ME. Economies and Polities in Aztec-Period Morelos: Ethnohistoric Overview. In Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm, edited by Mary G. Hodge and Michael E. Smith, pp. 313-348. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Albany.
1994-- Smith ME. Heath-Smith C. Rural Economy in Late Postclassic Morelos: An Archaeological Study. In Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm, edited by Mary G. Hodge and Michael E. Smith, pp. 349-376. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Albany.
1994-- Smith ME. Hodge MG. An Introduction to Late Postclassic Economies and Polities. In Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm, edited by Mary G. Hodge and Michael E. Smith, pp. 1-42. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Albany.
1994-- Smith ME. Social Complexity in the Aztec Countryside. In Archaeological Views from the Countryside: Village Communities in Early Complex Societies, edited by Glenn M. Schwartz and Steven E. Falconer, pp. 143-159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.
1993-- Smith ME. Houses and the Settlement Hierarchy in Late Postclassic Morelos: A Comparison of Archaeology and Ethnohistory. In Household, Compound, and Residence: Studies of Prehispanic Domestic Units in Western Mesoamerica, edited by Robert S. Santley and Kenneth G. Hirth, pp. 191-206. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
1993-- Smith ME. New World Complex Societies: Recent Economic, Social and Political Studies. Journal of Archaeological Research 1: 5-41.
1993-- Smith ME. Arquitectura y Sociedad en Sitios Rurales Postclásicos en el Oeste de Morelos. Cuadernos de Arquitectura Mesoamericana 24: 39-51.
1992-- Smith ME & FF Berdan Archaeology and the Aztec Empire. World Archaeology 23: 353-367.
1992-- Smith ME. Braudel's Temporal Rhythms and Chronology Theory in Archaeology. In Annales, Archaeology, and Ethnohistory, edited by A. Bernard Knapp, pp. 25-36. Cambridge University Press, New York.
1992-- Smith ME. Rhythms of Change in Postclassic Central Mexico: Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Braudellian Model. In Annales, Archaeology, and Ethnohistory, edited by A. Bernard Knapp, pp. 55-76. Cambridge University Press, New York.
1991-- Smith ME & J Doershuk Late Postclassic Chronology in Western Morelos, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 2: 291-310.
1991-- Smith, ME. Long-Distance Trade Under the Aztec Empire: The Archaeological Evidence. Ancient Mesoamerica 1: 153-169.
1989-- Smith ME. Aguirre P. Heath-Smith C. Hirst S. O’Mack S. Price J. Architectural Patterns at Three Aztec-Period Sites in Morelos, Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology 16: 185-203.
1989-- Smith ME. Cities, Towns, and Urbanism: Response to Sanders and Webster. American Anthropologist 91: 454-460.
1988-- Smith ME & KG Hirth The Development of Pre-Hispanic Cotton Spinning Technology in Western Morelos, Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology 15: 349-358.
1987-- Smith ME. Household Possessions and Wealth in Agrarian States: Implications for Archaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 6: 297-335.
1987-- Smith ME. Archaeology and the Aztec Economy: The Social Scientific Use of Archaeological Data. Social Science History 11: 237-259.
1987-- Smith ME. The Expansion of the Aztec Empire: A Case Study in the Correlation of Diachronic Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Data. American Antiquity 52: 37-54.
1986-- Smith ME. The Role of Social Stratification in the Aztec Empire: A View From the Provinces. American Anthropologist 88: 70-91.
1985-- Smith ME. Comment on "Staple Finance, Wealth Finance, and Storage in Inka Political Economy" by D'Altroy and Earle. Current Anthropology 26: 664-665.
1984-- Smith ME. The Aztlan Migrations of the Nahuatl Chronicles: Myth or History? Ethnohistory 31: 153-186.
1983-- Smith ME. El Desarrollo Económico y la Expansión del Imperio Mexica: Una Perspectiva Sistémica. Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 16: 135-164.
1981-- Smith ME. El Sistema de Mercado Azteca y Patrones de Asentamineto en el Valle de México: Un Análisis de Lugares Centrales. Cuicuilco 5: 18-26. (translation of 1979a).
1980-- Smith ME. The Role of the Marketing System in Aztec Society and Economy: Reply to Evans. American Antiquity 45: 876-883.
1980-- Smith ME. Heath-Smith C. Waves of Influence in Postclassic Mesoamerica? A Critique of the Mixteca-Puebla Concept. Anthropology 4(2): 15-50.
1979-- Smith ME. The Aztec Marketing System and Settlement Patterns in the Valley of Mexico: A Central Place Analysis. American Antiquity 44: 110-125.
1979-- Smith ME. A Further Criticism of the Type-Variety System: The Data Can't be Used. American Antiquity 44: 822-826.
1978-- Smith ME. A Model for the Diffusion of the Shaft Tomb Complex from South America to West Mexico. Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 9: 179-204. ****** FINALLY POSTED, Dec. 2011, 33 YEARS AFTER PUBLICATION !! *******
1977-- Smith ME. . State Systems of Settlement: Response to Crumley. American Anthropologist 79: 903-6
Recent Book Reviews:
2009-- Smith, ME. Review of: The Ancient City, edited by Joyce Marcus and Jeremy Sabloff. American Anthropologist 111: 537.
2006-- Smith, ME. Review of The Offerings of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan, by Leonardo López Luján. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 11: 493-495.
2008-- Smith, ME. Review of: The Postclassic to Spanish-Era Transition in Mesoamerica: Archaeological Perspectives, edited by S Kepecs and RT Alexander. Latin American Antiquity 19: 100-101.
2007-- Smith, ME. Review of Montezuma: Warlord of the Aztecs by Peter G. Tsouras. The Historian 69:355-356.
2006-- Smith, ME. Review of:
Ancient Middle Niger: Urbanism and the Self-Organizing Landscape , by Roderick J. McIntosh. Journal of African Archaeology 4 (2): 357-359
2004-- Smith ME. Review of: Maya Palaces and Elite Residences: An Interdisciplinary Approach, edited by Jessica Christie. Journal of Anthropological Research 60: 311-312.
2003-- Smith ME. Review of: Teotihuacan: cerámica, cronología y tendencias culturales / Ceramics, Chronology and Cultural Trends, by Evelyn C. Rattray. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9:575-576.
2003-- Smith ME. Book note on: Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power, edited by Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden. Latin American Antiquity 14:94.
2002-- Smith ME. Review of: Time, History, and Belief in Aztec and Colonial Mexico, by Ross Hassig. Endeavor 26 (1): 35-36 ( London).
2002-- Smith ME. Review of: The Tenochca Empire of Central Mexico, by Pedro Carrasco. Ethnohistory 49:451-453.
Smith ME. 2001 Review of: Function and Meaning in Classic Maya Architecture, edited by Stephen D. Houston. Latin American Antiquity 11: 205-206.
Smith ME. 2001 Book note on: City of Sacrifice: The Aztec Empire and The Role of Violence in Civilization, by Davíd Carrasco. Religious Studies Review (presumably published; citation data unknown).
Smith ME. 2000 Review of: Ancient Oaxaca, by Richard E. Blanton, et al. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 6: 326.
Smith ME. 1997 Review of: Caciques and Their People, edited by Joyce Marcus and Judith Zeitlin. Ethnohistory 44: 176-177.
Smith ME. 1993 Review of: Ancient Trade and Tribute: Economies of the Soconusco Region of Mesoamerica, edited by Barbara Voorhies. American Antiquity 58: 766.
Smith ME. 1993 Review of: Mesoamerican Elites, edited by Diane Chase and Arlen Chase. American Anthropologist 95: 751-752.
Encyclopedia Entries (incomplete list):
2010-- Smith ME. Motecuhzoma II. The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, 2nd edition. edited by William H. McNeill. pp. 1745-1746. Berkshire Publishers, Great Barrington, MA.
2010-- Smith ME. Trading Patterns, Ancient American. The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, 2nd edition. ed.. McNeill WH. pp. 2533-2538. Berkshire Publishers, Great Barrington, MA.
2009-- Smith, ME. Ancient Cities. In: Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, edited by Ray Hutchison, pp. 24-28. Sage Publishers, New York.
2008-- Smith, ME. City Planning: Aztec City Planning. In: Encyclopaedia of the History of Non-Westsern Science, Technology and Medicine, 2nd edition, edited by Helaine Selin. vol. 1, pp. 577-578. Springer.
2003-- Smith ME. American Indian Economies: General Overview. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, ed. J Mokyr, pp. 108-10. New York: Oxford University Press.
2001-- Smith, Michael E. Urbanization. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davíd Carrasco, pp. 290-294. vol. 3. Oxford University Press, New York.
Non-Peer Reviewed and Miscellaneous Publications:
Why Anthropology is too Narrow an Intellectual Context for Archaeology. Anthropologies 3 (online journal).
2010-- Smith, Michael E. (2010) Archaeology is Archaeology. Anthropology News January 2010:35.
2008-- Smith ME. Urbanism in the Southwest? A New Perspective. Paper presented at the 2008 Southwest Symposium, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
2005-- Smith ME. Masterworks, The Aztec Empire (Art and Culture). Veranda Magazine, Jan-Feb 2005: 36-46.
2004-- Smith ME. Aztec Materials in Museum Collections: Some Frustrations of a Field Archaeologist. Nahua Newsletter 38: 21-8
Smith, ME.
2005. Los materiales arqueológicos de Calixtlahuaca y la sociedad posclásica de Matlatzinco. Paper presented at the VII Coloquio Internacional sobre Otopames, El Colegio Mexiquense, Toluca, Mexico.
Smith ME. 2004b Reply to Offner. Nahua Newsletter 37:18-19.
Smith ME. 2003a. Postclassic Urbanism at Calixtlahuaca: Reconstructing the Unpublished Excavations of José García Payón: Report to the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Posted on the internet at:
Smith ME. 2003b Comments on the Historicity of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, Tollan, and the Toltecs. Nahua Newsletter 36: 31-36.
Smith ME.Wharton J. 2003 Aztec-Style Pitcher from a Late Postclassic Burial Offering in Morelos. Mexicon 25:2-3.
Smith ME. 1997. Life in the Provinces of the Aztec Empire. Scientific American 277: 56-63
Smith ME. 1997 Working Together: Archaeology in the Middle of Political Conflict in Yautepec, Mexico. SAA Bulletin 15(4), September 1997, pp. 12-14 (Society for American Archaeology).
Books and Edited Volumes:
See my home page for a current listing.
Smith, ME. 2008 Aztec City-State Capitals. Book in the series "Ancient Cities of the New World," University Press of Florida. Due out in June, 2008.
Smith ME. 2011 Tlahuica Ceramics: The Aztec-Period Ceramics of Morelos, Mexico. Mesoamerican Monographs, no. 15. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies. (in press)
Smith ME & Berdan F.F. 2003 The Postclassic Mesoamerican World, . University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. {Available at} Select chapters available as pdf files here.
Smith ME. 2012 The Aztecs. 3nd edition. Blackwell Press, Oxford.
Smith ME. Masson. MA. 2000 The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.{Available at}
Smith ME. 1996 The Aztecs. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. (paperback edition, 1998).
Berdan FF. Blanton R. Boone E. Hodge MG. Smith ME & Umberger E.1996 Aztec Imperial Strategies, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.{Available at}
Smith ME & Hodge MG. 1994 Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Albany.{Available through the Institute for Mesoamerican Studies}
Smith ME. 1992 Archaeological Research at Aztec-Period Rural Sites in Morelos, Mexico. Volume 1, Excavations and Architecture / Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Sitios Rurales de la Epoca Azteca en Morelos, Tomo 1, Excavaciones y Arquitectura. Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, no. 4. University of Pittsburgh.
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