Michael M. J. Treacy

Research Group

Past Research Highlights

Current Research Highlights


Short Curriculum Vitae

Detailed Curriculum Vitae



Course PHY252

Course PHY521

Michael M. J. Treacy
Department of Physics
Bateman Building, B-147
Tyler Mall
P.O. Box 871504
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1504
tel: (480) 965-5359
fax: (480) 965-7954
email: treacy@asu.edu

Some Topics of Interest

(click on image for more details)

Fluctuation Microscopy

Hypothetical Zeolite Database

Framework Topologies

Fluctuation X-Ray Microscopy

FEM of Glassy Minerals

In-situ TEM of nanotube Growth

Fluctuation Optical Microscopy

DIFFaX Program (Software)

Astrographs (Hobby)

Zeolite Sites of Interest:

Last updated July 5th, 2005.

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