Chitta Baral


School of Computing & AI (rankings in our focus areas of AI, Robotics, Cybersecurity and Embedded Systems: csrankings, usnews)
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering , Arizona State University
Brickyard Suite 572, 699 S. Mill Avenue
Tempe, AZ 85281-8809, U.S.A.
phone: 480-727-6047 (voice) 480-965-2751 (fax)
E-mail: chitta-aat-asu-period-edu

Short Bio.

Ph.D in Computer Science (1991), University of Maryland.

Research lab and research links

Lead Cognition and Intelligence Lab; ASU Profile; DBLP; Google Scholar; Semantic Scholar; ACL anthology; Arxiv.

Office Hours

[Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]

Current Teaching

  • Fall 2024: CSE 576 Topics in NLP

    (Tu Th 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM 8/22/24 - 12/6/24 Tempe COOR 174 )

    Past teaching

    [Top] [Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]

    Current Research Interests and Selected Publications

    [Top] [Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]

    A Sample of Current and Recent Sponsored Projects

    [Top] [Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]

    Student Co-authors with thesis/project

    [Top] [Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]

    Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

    Honors, Awards, and Professional Service

    [Top] [Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]

    Highlights of contibution to Odisha and India (pdf)

    Editorials and Op-eds in Indian Express: with references

    Articles in other Indian Newspapers

    Other Interests

    Member, Director's Advisory Board, Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.
    Member, Higher Education Task Force, Orissa, India. (Thoughts and documents)
    Blog/Compilation on Education in Orissa and India.
    Blog/Compilation on infrastructure development of Orissa.
    Tweets on Odisha; Facebook page on Odisha; Ornet archive.
    Travel pictures: [Yellowstone, May27-29 2005]

    [Top] [Teaching] [Research and Publications] [Funding] [Students] [CV] [Honors] [India/Odisha] [Other]