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GER 494/598|ENG 494/549|HUM 494| FLA 494/598

Spring 2003, Daniel Gilfillan

This course will introduce graduate students and advanced undergraduates to some of the issues surrounding the impact of digital technology on cultural production. Specifically, we will explore various ideas of subjectivity as they relate to reconfigured notions of authorship and readership. How might the author/reader interaction change in the digital environment? We will also investigate the nature of hypertext and its development from within critical theoretical discourse, and experience for ourselves some new modes of interaction in these online environments. Students will have the opportunity, as well, to begin creating electronic publications stemming from their own research and to collaborate in exciting new ways.

The course will range widely from materials marking the transition from print to bits (print texts that anticipate hypertextual structures, and digital texts that mimic print's constraints) to digital hypertext fiction, and online scholarly research projects. We will be reading theoretical texts that provide a foundation for discussing issues of subjectivity, identity, authorship/ownership, multi-linear and multi-layered narrative forms. We will also analyze scholarly digital projects related to texts of great cultural value (Decameron Web, Encylopédie, Projekt Gutenberg) and will explore print authors from four national literatures: Italo Calvino, Jorge Luis Borges, Alain Robbe-Grillet and Christoph Ransmayr.

Daniel Gilfillan

Office/Office Hours:
LL 410D
T/Th: 1:00-2:30 & by appointment


BA 358
T/Th: 3:15-4:30

Required Texts:
Barthes: Image, Music, Text
Bolter/Grusin: Remediation
Borges: Ficciones
Calvino: If on a winter's night a traveler
Jackson: Patchwork Girl
Ong: Orality and Literacy
Ransmayr: The Last World
Robbe-Grillet: Djinn

Course Packet:
Available for purchase at Uni-Print, 710 S. Forest Ave. 480-968-0799

Class Discussions, Participation & Minutes - 20%
Two Short Reviews - 20%
Web Storyboard - 10%
Midterm Exam - 20%
Seminar Project - 30%

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Arizona State University ASU Dept. of Languages and Literatures