Thank you for visiting the web-page of our Neural Microsystems laboratory. As you browse through our small but fun world, we hope you are excited and inspired by our research that is profiled here. We would like to thank our sponsors NIH (National Institutes of Health), NSF (National Science Foundation), Whitaker foundation, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Flinn foundation and Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) for funding our research without which none of this would have been possible. We have also been blessed by a fantastic cohort of high-school, under-graduate and graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research faculty many of whom walked through the portals of our lab and have now graduated to lead productive careers elsewhere. Interactions with each of them have been uniquely enriching and leaves me (the PI – Jit Muthuswamy) only with a deep sense of gratitude and blessing. Finally, thanks to ASU (Arizona State University) for providing an absolutely fantastic environment to do our research.
Broadly, the research in our lab is directed towards developing reliable interfaces with the nervous system for the purpose of understanding and modulating the components of the nervous system to restore normal behavior in the organism in the event of dysfunction/disease. Our approach towards this objective is very technology intensive. We have had a productive research program that has resulted in (a) the development of several novel technologies for neural interfaces and neuromodulation, (b) novel insights into cellular and molecular events happening at the tissue-material interface, and (c) discovery of novel mechanisms of neuromodulation. We hope you enjoy this short tour of the Neural Microsystems laboratory.