News 2020
1. A novel technique for biomechanical characterization of soft tissues published in - “Penetrating microindentation of hyper-soft, conductive silicone neural interfaces in vivo reveals significantly lower mechanical stresses,” A Sridharan*, V Kodibagkar and J Muthuswamy, MRS advances, 4(46-47):2551-2558, 2019.
2. Automating intracellular recordings using microscale actuators published in - “Engineering microscale systems for fully autonomous intracellular neural interfaces,” S Sampath Kumar*, M Baker, M Okandan and J Muthuswamy, Microsystems and Nanoengineering, 6, 1 (2020). (a nature publishing group journal).
3. Organic LEDs can stimulate neurons published in - A Sridharan*, A Shah*, S Sampath Kumar*, J Kyeh*, J Smith, J Blain-Christen and J Muthuswamy, “Optogenetic modulation of cortical neurons using organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs),” 6(2): 025003, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2020.
4. Design principles for fabricating microscale acoustic biosensors published in - M Khraiche*, J Rogul* and J Muthuswamy, “Design and Development of Microscale Thickness Shear Mode (TSM) Resonators for Sensing Neuronal Adhesion,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13:518, 2019, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00518.
5. Jonathan Duncan successfully defended his Masters dissertation titled “Biomechanical Micromotion at the Neural Interface Modulates Intracellular Membrane Potential In Vivo,” on April 17, 2020.
6. Congratulations to Diane Iradukonda, Dzifa Kwaku, Tyler Mitchell, Aimen Shahzadi, Steven Stamm, and Jonathan Duncan for successfully graduating with a Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering in May 2020.
7. Congratulations to Livia de Mesquita Teixeira on receiving the 2020 BRAIN Initiative Investigators Meeting Trainee Award on May 11, 2020.
8. NSF I/UCRC BRAIN project, Closed-loop control of deep brain stimulation (DBS) using models of electrode failure-Phase II funded on May 21, 2020.