Paul Kei Matsuda

Job Ad: Assistant Professor: Second Language Acquisition Syntax

Assistant Professor: Second Language Acquisition Syntax

Required: Ph.D. in Linguistics or a related discipline; college level teaching experience; and a evidence of ability to maintain a compelling record of ongoing, high quality research and publication in Second Language Acquisition Syntax.

Teaching load is 2/2 for tenure-track faculty with a significant research agenda. Teaching opportunities are at undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD levels. The appointment will be in the Department of English. Arizona State University is a large metropolitan university with programs in linguistics housed in various departments.

Applicants must send: Cover letter, vita, three letters of recommendation, and a brief sample of relevant academic writing. Application Deadline (no faxes or emails): postmarked by October 9, 2008; if not filled, then every Monday thereafter until the search is closed. A background check is required for employment. Arizona State University is an equal employment employer (AA/EOE).

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