Paul Kei Matsuda

Job Ad: Full Professor of English Language Development in Middle and High Schools

English Education

Full Professor: English Language Development in Middle and High Schools

Required: Ph.D. in English Education, Linguistics, English as a Second Language, Bilingual Studies, or a related discipline; teaching experience at the middle or high school level, evidence of successful college teaching; research and publications appropriate to rank, and evidence of a continuing research agenda related to the development of language skills in both native and non-native English speakers grades six through twelve.

Desired: Research and experience in teaching English to native speakers of Spanish; demonstrated success in advising and conducting research with doctoral students, and in extending research into local secondary schools.

Teaching load is 2/2 for tenure-track faculty with a significant research agenda. Teaching opportunities are at undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD levels. The appointment will be in the Department of English, which collaborates with the ASU College of Education in preparing English teachers for grades six through twelve.

Applicants must send: Cover letter, vita, three letters of reference and a list of three other referees who may be contacted via telephone to Chair, English Education Search Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-0302. Application Deadline (no faxes or e-mails): Postmarked by Nov. 3, 2008, if not filled, then every Monday thereafter until the search is closed. All applications acknowledged. A background check is required for employment. AA/EOE

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Last update: January 6, 2008