Paul Kei Matsuda

Assistant Professor History of Rhetoric

Assistant Professor History of Rhetoric

Assistant Professor in History of Rhetoric The Department of English at
Arizona State University (ASU) seeks an assistant professor and
scholar-teacher in rhetoric and composition who has compiled a
compelling record of scholarship appropriate to rank in any area of the
history of rhetoric. ASU is a Research I university with outstanding
research facilities and infrastructure support and is located within the
rapidly growing and dynamic metropolitan Phoenix area. Our English
department is a large and diverse unit of faculty committed to
excellence in teaching, to new and exciting research, and to ongoing
community outreach.

Required: Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition or related discipline;
college-level teaching experience appropriate to rank; ability to teach
and develop graduate and undergraduate courses in the history of
rhetoric; and a compelling record of ongoing scholarship appropriate to
rank in any area of the history of rhetoric.

Desired: Record of scholarship and publications on classical and/or
medieval rhetoric; experience in teaching courses in the history of
rhetoric, especially classical rhetoric. Teaching load is 2/2 for track
faculty with a significant research agenda. Teaching opportunities are
at undergraduate, Master's, and PhD levels. Departmental, university,
and professional related service appropriate to rank.

Applicants must send: Cover letter, curriculum vita, and three letters
of recommendation with contact information to Chair of Assistant
Professor of Rhetoric and Composition (History of Rhetoric) Search
Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, P.O. Box
870302, Tempe, AZ 85287-0302. Application Deadline (no faxes or
e-mails): Postmarked by November 30, 2009; if not filled, then every
Monday thereafter until the search is closed. ASU is an affirmative
action/equal employment opportunity employer and is dedicated to
recruiting a diverse faculty community. (AA/EOE) A background check is
required for employment.


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Last update: January 6, 2008