Paul Kei Matsuda

Job Opening: Assistant Professor in Historical/Comparative Linguistics

Assistant Professor in Historical/Comparative Linguistics

Required: Ph.D. in Linguistics or a related discipline; college-level
teaching experience; and evidence of a compelling record of ongoing,
high quality research and publication in Historical/Comparative
linguistics. A demonstrated interest in the history of English.

Desired: Experience using historical and contemporary corpora in
research and teaching; a demonstrated interest in non-European

Teaching load is 2/2 for tenure-track faculty with a significant
research agenda. Teaching opportunities are at undergraduate, Master's,
and Ph.D. levels. Candidates will be expected to teach relevant courses
on historical and comparative linguistics and typology.

The appointment will be in the Department of English. Arizona State
University is a large metropolitan university with programs in
linguistics housed in various departments.

Applicants must send: Cover letter, vita, names and contact information
for three professional references. Send to: Chair of
Historical/Comparative Linguistics Search Committee, Arizona State
University, Department of English, Tempe, AZ 85287-0302. Application
deadline (no faxes or emails): postmarked by November 16, 2009; if not
filled, then every Monday thereafter until the search is closed. A
background check is required for employment. Arizona State University is
an equal opportunity employer (AA/EOE).


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Last update: January 6, 2008