Fabian Holzl: bachelor student working on DNA nanostructure designs
Jonah Procyk: graduate student who worked on coarse-grained model development and machine learning for SELEX ensembles; he now works as a research scientist in Novateur
Aatmik Mallya: undergraduate student in math and computer science who worked on oxview and nanobase tools; now a PhD student at Yale University
Joakim Bohlin: student/research assistant working on polycube assembly models and oxView development; he now works at Chalmers University
Erik Poppleton: graduate student who worked on DNA/RNA nanotechnology and tool/method development for nucleic acid nanotechnology simulations; he is now a postdoc in Heidelberg
Raghu Pradeep Narayanan: a graduate student/postdoc who worked on large scale assemblies of DNA nanostructures, now a postdoc at UCSF
Aditya Parekh: undergradute student from math/computer science, worked on RNA viral genome analysis, now a master's student at CMU
Aneta Leskourova: a visiting master's student
Harrison LaBolita (rotation project student from Physics PhD program)
Joel Joseph: an undergraduate student working on nanobase.org curation and DNA simulations
Fan Hong (graduate student jointly with Yan and Green labs): Fan worked on simulations and experiments in DNA nanotechnology, for which he received departmental research award. Fan was then a postdoc in Yin's group at Harvard University, now an assistant professor at University of Florida
Nicola Frasson: visiting student from Ca'Foscari University. Nicola worked on Machine Learning for RNA and peptide aptamers
Shuchi Sharma: Undergraduate research student; Shuchi is now studying medicine at Ohio State University
Capstone project team (Undergraduate project): Roger Romero, Jacob Baca, Jeffrey Luo, Chris Persson, Kai Yin