Paul Kei Matsuda

CFP: 6th Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse

Call for Abstracts

6th Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse
Theme: Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus-based Approaches to Research on Intercultural Rhetoric

Friday, June 11 & Saturday, June 12, 2010
Georgia State University
Sponsored by the Department of Applied Linguistics and ESL and
The Georgia State University Research Foundation

Plenary Speakers
Suresh Canagarajah, Pennsylvania State University
Ulla Connor, Indiana University‐Purdue University Indianapolis
Eric Friginal, Georgia State University
Guillaume Gentil, Carleton University

Individual papers and colloquium proposals are invited on topics including (but not limited to):

* Theoretical and empirical investigations
* Language- and culture-specific studies
* Practical applications
* Teaching and classroom practices
* Writing in school, college, and the professions

Deadline for submissions: February 28, 2010

Papers should be 20 minutes long with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. Submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a summary of no more than 50 words, included in the body of an email. In addition, please include your name, address, institutional affiliation, phone and fax numbers, and email address.
Colloquia should be approximately 75 minutes in length with 15 minutes for questions. The 250-word abstract should state the theme and indicate contributions of each participant. Also include a 50-word summary and list of participants. In addition, please include your name, address, institutional affiliation, phone and fax numbers, and email address.

Send submissions and general correspondence to:

For further information, as available, please visit:‾wwwesl/alesl/conference/overview.html

Alternately, for more information, please contact: Diane Belcher, 404-413-5194, or Gayle Nelson, 404-413-5190,



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