Victorian Sensation Literature Fall 2002

ENG 329 (73566), 394 (09403): Fall 2002

Password protecting a web folder

Step 2: Creating a ".nsconfig" file

An .nsconfig file is a simple text file which contains information about exactly which folder you are password protecting (you probably have more than one subfolder on your site).

i. Start with opening up the Notepad or Wordpad. A new, blank document will open up.






ii. Copy and Paste the below text-exactly as is- into the notepad document:

# All files in my Web directory www/secure
<Files secure/*>
# Require a valid userid and password
RequireAuth userfile=/afs/ realm="Enter your message here that you want your visitors to see when prompted for password"
#This will prevent anyone from being able to see your .passwd file
<Files .passwd>
RestrictAccess method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="deny" ip="*"
#This will prevent anyone from being able to see your .nsconfig file
<Files .nsconfig>
RestrictAccess method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="deny" ip="*"

(Stop here. Do not copy this line)

The sections in bold print will need to be personalized according to the personal configuration for your AFS account.

.nsconfig file on Notepad

iii. Save the file OUTSIDE the directory you want to secure, and make sure to give it the EXACT name ".nsconfig" (without the quotation marks).

iv. You have now created your .nsconfig file! You can now proceed to Step 3: Creating the Password file (".passwd" file)




Step 1 | Step 3 | Step 4 |Back to Webdesign resources

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CBaldini Last updated November 19, 2002








