Victorian Sensation Literature Fall 2002

ENG 329 (73566), 394 (09403): Fall 2002

Password protecting a web folder

Step 3: Creating the Password file

Blank notepad documenti. Open up a new, blank Notepad or Wordpad document:







ii. Go to the ASU Jukebox password cryptation engine at
Go to the bottom of the page where the encryption engine is located.

iii. Decide what your user name is going to be. In this case I encrypt the user name "guest". Fill in what you want the user name to be, and what you want the password to be. The hit the "Generate" button:
Password generator

iv. The code for your encrypted password will be displayed in the window.
Genrated password code
Copy this string EXACTLY and then return to your blank, open Notepad document.


Password file document

v. Paste the string into the notepad document.

Save this file as ".passwd" (without the quotation marks) in the same location where you saved the .nsconfig file, that is, OUTSIDE the folder you are securing (but INSIDE your www-folder).



You have now created the password file. You are ready to proceed to Step 4: Publish the secure folder

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CBaldini Last updated November 20, 2002








