Victorian Sensation Literature Fall 2002

ENG 329 (73566), 394 (09403): Fall 2002

Password protecting a web folder

Step 4: Publishing your secure folder

i. Open up your Dreamweaver Site management if it is not already open. Your new, secured folder should be visible on the right hand side, along with the .nsconfig and .passwd files (located outside the secured folder). All pages you save inside the secured folder will now only be accessible using a user name and password.
Publish secure folder

ii. Proceed as you would with any files you publish with Dreamweaver. Select the secure folder and hit the upload button (blue pointing upward). Do the same with the .nsconfig and .passwd files.
The secured folder is now available on the Web, though only if you know the username and password. It try out your new secure folder go to that particular folder on the web. Since my folder was created directly under my root directory (as I reccommend you do), the direct URL to that folder is

iii. You're done!

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CBaldini Last updated November 19, 2002








