Links of Interest
What follows is a "linkography" to an array of website resources
that I currently find useful or intriguing for the definition and study
of the areas I've chosen to include. They are by no means the only sites
available that contextualize each topic, nor do I make any claims as to
their currency. If you have suggestions for links that I should add, or if you happen upon a 'dead' link, please
let me know at
- an effort to formulate an international, networked discourse that
neither promotes a dominant euphoria (to sell products) nor continues
the cynical pessimism, spread by journalists + intellectuals in the
'old' media who generalize about 'new' media with no clear understanding
of their communication aspects. we have produced, + will continue
to produce books, readers, + web sites in various languages so an
'immanent' net critique will circulate both on- + offline. -
an international journal of theory, technology, + culture. Edited by
Arthur + Marilouise Kroker.
electronic book
review - promoting PRINT/SCREEN transformations + weaving new
modes of critical writing into the web.
Cyberculture and Theory links - another "linkography"
focusing on the interarticulations between theory + cyberculture.
the meridian -- women and technology - the Internet is redefining
our concept of literature, if not what it means to be "literate."
and as might be best fitting in a medium that came of age at the end
of the 20th century, women are very much at the forefront of technological
developments in new literature.
German Studies
Das Auge
- e-zine für Kultur, Kunst + Literatur im Netz
Berliner Zimmer
- Der Salon im Netz - das Berliner Zimmer informiert mit seinen
kommentierten Linklisten + theoretischen Texten über die deutschsprachige
Literatur im Internet.
zur digitalen ästhetik - contributions on digital aesthetics,
ed. by roberto simanowski
zur deutschen Einheit - the Goethe-Institut in Bordeaux has produced
a bibliography of literary texts dealing with German unification.
Sound- and CyberArt
Ars Electronica Center
- a unique project which facilitates + implements the harmonious collaboration
of art, technology + society.
Critical Art Ensemble -
a collective of five artists dedicated to exploring the intersections
between art, technology, radical politics, + critical theory.
- an "on air" gallery for live + recorded projects. Radio
as the site, the content + the context of art. The exploration of
radio as a constantly changing constituent medium in the contemporary
Negativland "Over
the Edge" Live Radio - a group of RadioArtists from Berkeley,
California. Hear their broadcasts live here.
EYEBEAM | atelier
- a not-for-profit new media arts organization established to provide
access, education, + support for students, artists, + the general
public in the field of art + technology
geschichte deutschsprachiger hyperfictions - kurze aber informationsreiche
einführung zum buch hyperfiktion und interaktive narration im
frühen entwicklungsstadium zu einem literarischen genre von
beat suter. ein 'abstract' ist auch hier
literature directory - online directory + gateway to a wealth of
electronic literature experiments. search by author, title or work description
or browse by genre + technique.
Radio | Radio Art | Radio Studies
Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv
- located in Frankfurt/Main + Babelsberg, the Rundfunkarchiv is currently
working on some interesting digitization projects, including the archives
"noise collection" [Geräuscharchiv].
- akustische kunst in netzwerken und datenräumen. the online-magazine
of swr2: RadioArt + Hörspiel.
- sound travels on the web - contains audio/sound essays which review
from different positions the relation between audio art + network
HörDat -
Informationen zu mehr als 28638 Hörspielen vom ersten aus dem Jahr 1924 bis zu Hörspielen, die erst in der Zukunft zu hören sein werden. Beim Hörspiel-Hören kann Hördat allerdings nicht helfen: es gibt hier keine Sound-Dateien, stattdessen können Sie erfahren, wann wo welches Hörspiel im Radio gesendet wird.
Kunstradio - Radiokunst -
founded in 1987, KUNSTRADIO is a weekly program on Österreich 1, the cultural channel of Austrian National Radio, ORF. Conceived as a space for radio art - i.e. an art that reflects the radio medium itself - this weekly program has almost from its beginnings become much more than just that: one of its main functions became that of serving as a point of access for international visual artists, media artists, composers, writers to both the production- and transmitting means of the ORF and the international exchange and cooperation infrastructure of National Public Radio worldwide.
Digital Representations of the Holocaust
- das deutschsprachige internetportal zum thema shoah und holocaust.
United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum - America's national institution for the documentation,
study, + interpretation of Holocaust history, + serves as this country's
memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust.
Yad Vashem
- The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. To perpetuate
the legacy of the Holocaust to future generations so that the world
never forgets the horrors + cruelty of the Holocaust.
Sources for German Film
International Historical Films - Focusing on military, political and social history of the 20th century.
Facets Multimedia - a leading distributor of and educator about world film, with a comprehensive list of German film from the silent era, through the Third Reich, East and West German film, and contemporary film in the post-Wende period.
DEFA Film Library - housed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, the DEFA Film Library is the only archive and study center outside Europe devoted to the study of a broad spectrum of filmmaking by East German filmmakers or related to East Germany from 1946 to the present.
Humanities Computing
Association for Computers
and the Humanities - an international professional organization.
Since its establishment, it has been the major professional society
for people working in computer-aided research in literature + language
studies, history, philosophy, + other humanities disciplines, + especially
research involving the manipulation + analysis of textual materials.
Discussion Group - an international electronic seminar on the application
of computers to the humanities. Its primary aim is to provide a forum
for discussion of intellectual, scholarly, pedagogical, + social issues
+ for exchange of information among members.
of Humanities Computing - provides a selective list of notable +
essential publications in humanities computing organized chiefly according
to interdisciplinary methods + tools rather than by discipline. It is
designed for the beginner rather than the specialist.