Paul Kei Matsuda

The New Jersey Statewide Higher Education ESL Conference

On October 27, 2007, I'll be giving a keynote speech at the New Jersey Statewide Higher Education ESL Conference to be held at Kean University. More information is available from the website:

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Anonymous Ricky said...

The additional talk you give in this ESL conference is interesting. As an ESL writing teacher, making students engage in writing tasks is not an easy endeavour. I would like to know which aspects you would focus when designing special ESL writing programs for students. Are you focusing on affective aspects in which students should have more collaboration with both their peers and teachers?


Thursday, October 04, 2007 9:52:00 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Hi, Ricky. The main focus will be on situating the writing task in the larger sociocultural context (rather than offering it as an isolated prompt).

Of course collaborative learning is part of it, but too many people seem to conflate the sociocultural context of the classroom and the sociocultural context of the task itself--the rhetorical situation, that is.

Friday, October 05, 2007 3:07:00 PM  

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