Paul Kei Matsuda

CFP: Cross-Cultural Linguistics and Contrastive Rhetoric at RMMLA

2008 Rocky Mountain MLA Convention
Reno, NV, October 9-11

Special session: Cross-Cultural Linguistics and Contrastive Rhetoric:
Issues and Approaches in Language Analysis and Teaching

Description: Focus on comparisons between languages: pragmatics,
semantics, syntax, morphology, phonetics/phonology, which contribute to
understanding linguistic structures/functions, and their application in
foreign language teaching.

Please submit your proposals to
Stefan Mummert, School of LCL, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria

by March 31, 2008

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Publication by DePalma, Ringer and Webber

A collaborative article by Michael-Jon DePalma, Jeffrey Ringer, and James D. Webber has been accepted for publication in Rhetoric Society Quarterly. Congratulations, Mike, Jeff and Jim! Way to go!

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CFP: Special Topic Sesssion on L2 Writing at Rocky Mountain MLA

Call for Papers

Second Language Writing*: Reports of Research and Discussions of Central Issues in Second/Foreign Language Writing

2008 Rocky Mountain MLA Convention
Reno, NV, October 9-11

For the time first time ever, a special topic session focusing on Second Language Writing will be part of the Rocky Mountain MLA Convention, which will be held in Reno, Nevada on October 9-11 this year .

If a Special-Topic Session is held three consecutive years, organizers may address a written request for permanent status to the Executive Board, signed by twenty RMMLA members.

Proposals are being accepted until March 1 for this session. Reports of research and discussion of central issues in second language (ESL) writing are welcome. Non-members may submit a proposal (but membership in RMMLA is required of all presenters). Three to four proposals will be accepted for presentation.

Please help support this session by either submitting a proposal or circulating this CFP as widely as possible to professors and graduate students alike, and thank you in advance for your support.

Submit your one-page proposals or inquiries March 10 to:

Fify Juliana
Mailing address: Box 870302, Tempe, AZ 85287-0302

For the PDF version of the CFP, go to:

For the online version of the CFP (updated), go to:

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Christina Ortmeier-Hooper's New Job

Christina Ortmeier-Hooper has just accepted the position of Assistant Professor of English at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. She will be working with doctoral students in Composition Studies, some of whom are intereted in her expertise in second language writing, among other things.

I'm really happy for Christina and especially for UNH!

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The Journal of English as an International Language

The Journal of English as an International Language ( is an internationally refereed journal which aims at providing free on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of English as an International Language

The first edition was published in April 2007, and the second edition (December 2007) is now on-line.

We welcome submissions on any aspect of EIL: the global spread of English, the impact of native English(es) on local cultures and languages, the impact of local cultures and languages on native English(es), phonological, lexical, grammatical, discoursal variations in English(es), the perceptions of these variations, intelligibility, corpus studies, bilingualism, multilingualism, language standards and related teaching issues.

All submissions should be submitted to


Ahmet Acar
Senior Associate Editor
The Journal of English as an International Language

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Journal of Writing Research

Journal of Writing Research: Call for papers

In 2007 EARLI’s Special Interest Group on Writing decided to start an international research journal on writing. Luuk van Waes, Gert Rijlaarsdam & Denis Alamargot, started the preparations for the journal in October 2007. Marie-Françoise Crété (Poitiers) and Mariëlle Leijten (Antwerp/Stafford) will assist the editors. The first issue containing invited (and reviewed) papers is expected to be published in April/May 2008.

The Journal of Writing Research will be made by and for researchers, without any interference from commercial publishers. It will set high standards for quality control, which are guaranteed by double blind reviews, and a strong international editorial board, chaired by Joachim Grabowski & Asa Wengelin. More information about the aims and scope, the editors, the editorial board and procedures can be found on the website:

We are now ready to receive submissions. That is why we have sent you this call for papers and proposals for special issues.

Papers can be submitted via the website. If you wish to submit a paper via the repository database, please, register as a member first (it’s free of charge). When you register, you can also choose to receive alerts in various frequencies when new publications are ready. The same procedure applies for submitting proposals for special issues. A special issue consists of three to five papers on a specific theme, with one or two commentaries.

On behalf of the JoWR editors

Gert Rijlaarsdam

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Steve Simpson's Publication

The chapter on mentoring that Steve Simpson and I wrote together just came out:

Simpson, S., & Matsuda, P. K. (2008). Mentoring as a long-term relationship: Situated learning in a doctoral program. In C. P. Casanave & X. Li (Eds.), Learning the literacy practices of graduate school: Insiders' reflections on academic enculturation (pp. 90-104). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

It provides an overview of my approach to mentoring as well as Steve's perspective on how it worked for him during the first few years of doctoral studies.

It's been fun working with you on this project, Steve!

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New position for Abby Knoblauch!

A. Abby Knoblauch, my former student at UNH and co-author of the forthcoming chapter on the history of composition, has just accepted a job offer from Kansas State University. Congratulations, Abby! Well deserved!

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テーマ: 第2言語ライティング能力を考える ~ 何をどのように評価し、フィードバックを与えるか ~


来たる3月15日(土)に、アリゾナ州立大学の Paul Kei Matsuda先生をお迎えして、第2言語ライティングセミナーを開催することになりました。


●開催場所:東京国際大学早稲田サテライト 東西線『早稲田』駅下車 徒歩5、6分
●開催日時:2008年3月15日(土) 午後1時~午後5時30分




      Stephen Timson(東京国際大学教授)


    講演者:Paul Kei Matsuda(アリゾナ州立大学准教授)
    講演タイトル:「第2言語ライティング ― 誰のために書くのか?」

      Paul Kei Matsuda(アリゾナ州立大学准教授)

      木村恭子(日本経済新聞社 編集局 英文編集部 担当次長)


    東京国際大学 言語コミュニケーション学部

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Kate Tirabassi is the recipient of the 2008 Berlin Award!

Kate Tirabassi, Assistant Professor English at Keene State College and one of my former doctoral students at the University of New Hampshire, is the recipient of 2008 James A. Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award.

The award ceremony will be on Friday, April 4 from 5:00-6:30pm at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Congratulations, Kate!

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Last update: January 6, 2008