Paul Kei Matsuda

15th Annual Graduate Linguistics/TESOL Symposium, 3/6/09

15th Annual Graduate Linguistics/TESOL Symposium

March 6th 2009

9:00 AM to 6:00 PM


This *free* event features presentations by students in several ASU programs

related to linguistics and TESOL.

PhD, School of International Letters and Cultures

PhD English, concentration in Rhetoric, Composition and Linguistics

PhD Applied Linguistics





Featuring Keynote Speaker Carol A. Chapelle

 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM: COPPER ROOM


Carol Chapelle is Professor of TESL/Applied Linguistics and Chair of the Cross-disciplinary Linguistics Program at Iowa State University. She has served as President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Editor of TESOL Quarterly, and Chair of the TOEFL Committee of Examiners. She is current Co-Editor of the Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series of Cambridge University Press. She is widely recognized as the pre-eminent scholar in the field of CALL. See Carol Chapelle’s webpage:




Twin Palms Hotel

225 E. Apache Blvd

Tempe, AZ 85281




For venue information and directions:


This symposium is brought to you by:

Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics,

Department of English,

Graduate & Professional Student Association and

Graduate Scholars of English Association



Download printable flyer:  MS Word


CCCC 2009

Here are some of the things I will be doing at this year's CCCC:

Wednesday, March 11, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
RN.1 Research Network Forum
Plenary Talk: "Got Multilingualism? Why and How of Integrating a Multilingual Perspective into Writing Research"

Wednesday, March 11, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 12, 7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Newcomer's Coffee

Thursday, March 12, 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
A.16 Transnational English(es) and U.S. Composition: From Global to Glocal

Thursday, March 12, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
TSIG.06 Second-Language Writing SIG: Discussing the Revised CCCC
Statement on Second-Language Writing and Writers

Friday, March 13, 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
J.05 Racism in Assessment
Session Chair

Friday, March 13, 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
FS.K Featured Session: Voice in Written Discourse: Implications for Multilingual Writers
"A Critical Theory of Voice for the Multilingual Composition Classroom"

Friday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
FSIG.24 Transnational Composition

Saturday, March 14, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
Committee on Second Language Writing Open Meeting
Union Square 9, Hilton San Francisco


Here is a list of L2 writing-related sessions at CCCC 2009 in San Francisco (with thanks to Gladys Vega Scott):

Wednesday Workshops

MW.2 Keeping Multilingual Writers in Mind: How Universal Design Can Lead to Inclusive Pedagogies and Practices (Part I)
Wednesday, March 11, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Imperial Ballroom B, Ballroom Level
Chairs: Christina Ortmeier-Hooper, University of New Hampshire & Kathryn Nielsen-Dube, Merrimack College
This workshop provides participants with an overview of issues related to multilingual writers in higher education and explores ways to serve both L1 and L2 students better in writing classes, writing centers, and in WAC/WID programs.

AW.2 Keeping Multilingual Writers in Mind: How Universal Design Can Lead to Inclusive Pedagogies and Practices (Part 2)
Wednesday, March 11, 1:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Imperial Ballroom B, Ballroom Level
Chairs: Michelle Cox, Bridgewater State College & Steve Simpson, University of New Hampshire
This workshop builds on themes presented in the morning workshop, allowing participants to further explore inclusive writing pedagogy designed with L2 students in mind.

Thursday Sessions

A.01 Un/Documented Literacies:Rewriting Cultural Citizenships in the United States
A.16 Transnational English(es) and U.S. Composition: From Global to Glocal
A.33 Four Voices from the Contact Zone of Composition Theory and Linguistic Minority
B.32 Waves of Transnational Composition, Ways of Doing Intercultural Rhetoric
C.11 Exploring Student, Teacher, and Tutor Limitations in the Linguistic Development of Multilingual Students in Mainstream Composition Classes
C.17 ESL Practices: Community, Voice and Identity
C.18 Surfing International Waves: Issues for Chinese Teachers and Writers
C.35 Teaching English Abroad: The Wave of the Future
D.03 Universal Design and Writing Programs: Constructing a Student-Centered Universe(ity)
D.27 ESL, Feedback, and Assessment
D.30 You’ve Been Served: Practice and Development of Service Learning for ESL and Writing-intensive Courses and for Teacher Development
E.03 Sovereignty and Dialect: Non-standard English Patterns in the Writing of Navajo Students
E.04 Multilingual Graduate Students and Composition Studies: Issues and Concerns for our Field
E.36 Grammar, Writing, and Communication
E.38 Strategies for Staying Afloat in the Multi-Lingual Classroom

TSIG.06 Second-Language Writing SIG: Discussing the Revised CCCC Statement on Second-Language Writing and Writers Thursday, March 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Chairs: Kevin Eric De Pew, Old Dominion University and Jill Swavely, Temple University College of Education
The mission of the Second-Language Writing Special Interest Group (SIG) is to bring scholars and practitioners together to discuss the issues that all writing instructors, and, by extension, all writing programs face when working with second-language writers. This year we will present the revisions of the Statement and discuss the draft before it is proposed to the CCCC Executive Committee.

Friday Sessions

F.28 Writing on Different Wavelengths: Competing Perceptions of Teaching and the Academy
F.31 Cultural Expectations in Cross-cultural Classrooms: ESL and International Issues
F.39 Going Global by Going Local: Connecting Study Abroad and International Students with the Writing Support They Need
G Featured Session: Walking the Talk: Teacher Response and Best Practices
H.07 The Research Plan is Sinking—Locate the Lifevest!: Navigating Research Methodologies and Realities
H.13 Approaches to Teaching Writing to L2 Learners and ESL Students
H.25 Multicultural/Multilingual
K Featured Session: Voice in Written Discourse: Implications for Multilingual Writers

Saturday Sessions

L.01 Think-Tank for Newcomers Developing Papers and Sessions for CCCC–2010
L.23 Assessment of Student Writing
L.30 ELL Practice: Work, Pedagogy and Literacy
M Featured Session: Literacy in Higher Education in Mexico
M.14 Authorizing Multiculturalism at the Center: Tales of Trials and Triumphs
M.26 World Englishes: Possibilities/Limitations of Code Meshing
N.26 Writing in the Technical and Scientific Disciplines
O.07 Global Issues: Closing the Divide between Locals and Transnationals in Freshman Composition

Committee on Second Language Writing Open Meeting (p. 32)
Saturday, March 14, 9:30 a.m.–Noon - Union Square 9, Fourth Floor
Co-Chairs: Susan Miller-Cochran & Christina Ortmeier-Hooper
Each year, the Committee on Second Language Writing sponsors an open meeting to plan activities and sessions for the following year. If you’d like to get involved in second language writing workshops or the Special Interest Group on Second Language Writing, please come to this meeting. We will also share ideas for panel proposals.

This is not a complete listing of second language writing-related sessions:
for a complete list, please consult the convention program.

SLW.CCCC: Second Language Writing at CCCC Email List
In order to facilitate communication among CCCC members who are interested in second language writing, the Committee on Second Language Writing sponsors an email discussion list (hosted by North Carolina State University).

To join the list, send an email message to with the following in the body of the message (do not type anything in the subject line):
subscribe slw_cccc

If you have any questions about L2 Writing at CCCC, please feel free to email Susan Miller-Cochran or Christina M. Ortmeier-Hooper, Co-Chairs of the Committee on Second Language Writing:

Christina M. Ortmeier-Hooper

Susan Miller-Cochran

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Visiting Scholars

One of the tasks that have been occupying me for the last few weeks, among many other things, is responding to a large number of unsolicited requests from would-be visiting scholars who are looking for a faculty sponsor for their visit.

Although I value the opportunity to interact with researchers from other countries, I can only sponsor a few people at a time. For that reason, I will screen the applications for clear indications of strong and well-defined interest in second language writing as well as specific reasons for working with me. Priority is given to those who have already established a connection with me at the Symposium on Second Language Writing.

If there is any indication that the applicant is not familiar enough with the field of second language writing or that the person is not specifically interested in my work or my expertise, I will not be able to consider the application or respond to the message.

If you are interested in coming to my institution to work with me on a project related to second language writing, please visit this page and send me the initial materials. Please understand, however, that I will not be able to

  • provide feedback on the initial application documents
  • allow revisions to the initial application documents
  • refer rejected applicants to other potential sponsors
  • issue a letter of invitation until the initial screening process has been completed

Best of luck in finding a suitable institutional host for your visit!

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15th Annual Graduate Linguistics/TESOL Symposium

15th Annual Graduate Linguistics/TESOL Symposium
March 6th 2009

Featuring Keynote Speaker Carol A. Chapelle

Carol Chapelle is Professor of TESL/Applied Linguistics and Chair of the Cross-disciplinary Linguistics Program at Iowa State University. She has served as President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Editor of TESOL Quarterly, and Chair of the TOEFL Committee of Examiners. She is current Co-Editor of the Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series of Cambridge University Press. She is widely recognized as the pre-eminent scholar in the field of CALL. See Carol Chapelle’s webpage:

Twin Palms Hotel
225 E. Apache Blvd
Tempe, AZ 85281
For venue information and directions:

This symposium is brought to you by:
Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics, Department of English, and
Graduate Scholars of English Association

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Django Paris

Django Paris, a colleague of mine in the English Department at ASU, is the recipient of Mary Catherine Ellwein Outstanding Dissertation Award for Qualitative Research Methodology from American Educational Research Association (AERA). He will receive the award and present his talk at the AERA in San Diego in April.

He is also one of the finalists for the Spencer Foundation Exemplary Dissertation Award.

His dissertation is entitled "'Our Culture': Difference, Division, and Unity in Multiethnic Youth Space."

Congratulations, Django! Way to go!

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The Future of Graduate Education in Computers and Writing

Patricia Webb Boyd and Peter Goggin, my colleagues in the English Department at ASU, are the editor of the special issue of Computers and Composition (26.1: 2009) that focuses on the future of graduate education in computers and writing.

The issue is now available online:

Congratulations, Tricia and Peter!

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2009 WPA Conference

The proposal that Steven Accardi, Tanita Saenkhum and I have put together has been accepted for 2009 WPA Conference in Minneapolis. We will present the preliminary findings of our collaborative study of placement practices of multilingual writers in a large, comprehensive first-year writing program.

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Last update: January 6, 2008