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Instructor: Bruce Matsunaga
Class Line # 58498
Meets daily @ 7:40-9:20, ECG G319

Home | Course Policies/Syllabus | Daily Schedule | Assignments | Student Work | Links

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This schedule is tentative; we may amend it as the semester progresses, but probably not in terms of the due dates for assignments, and nothing too heavy. The website will reflect all changes to the syllabus.

All reading assignments (underlined below) are due on the date listed. The reading load is stacked very heavily towards the first half of the semester, then tapering off to allow for more time to work on your final project. Book titles are abbreviated in boldface italics.

Due dates for major assignments are italicized and flagged in **asterisks**; these are due at the beginning of the class period.

Due dates for drafts and Peer Review sessions are in boldface italics.

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5

Week 1, 5/30-6/2

T- Intro to the course, Syllabus, overview of the textbooks, get to know your classmates.

Introduction to some of the types, purposes, and functions of professional writing.

Technical writing example.

W- Write informational email memo to me (TC 74-79 & 494-498).

WFW Ch. 1 & 2: Technical Documents and Their Contexts; Discourse Strategies

TC Ch. 1: Intro to Technical Communication

Class Lecture and Discussion: first assignment (Evaluation of Professional Writing) On-line research.

TH- WFW Ch. 3 & 4: Correspondence; Instructions, Memo Version 1, 2, 3

TC Ch. 5: Analyzing Your Audience

Email Memo, Fictional Audience/Language Mistake

F- Bring Evaluation of Professional Writing--Peer Review Workshop

Peer Review Sheet, Using Microsoft Word's Reviewing Feature

Glossing Review

Week 2, 6/5-6/9

M- **Evaluation of Professional Writing Assignment Due**

WFW Ch. 5: Proposals

Class Lecture and Discussion: Receive second assignment (Team Paper), note: additional reading (WFW Ch 8, 9 &10) to be assigned by group. Invention work for As. 2.

Write Group Letter as detailed in As. 2.

T- TC Ch. 3, 6 & 7: Writing Collaboratively; Determining Your Purpose and Strategy;

Researching Your Subject.

Workshop Assignment two: How To Work Together Without Inflicting (A Lot Of) Bodily Harm; How To Get Started; How Not To Quit; How To Scream At Each Other Productively.

W- WFW Ch. 6: Reports, TC Ch. 8: Developing the Argument.

Outline of a typical proposal.

Bring Team Paper Materials to Class--Writing Workshop

TH- TC Ch. 21

Groups present their findings from WFW Ch 8, 9 &10 to the class for response.

F- Bring Team Paper Materials to Class--Peer Review Workshop


Week 3, 6/12-6/16

M- **Team Paper Assignment Due**

Receive 3rd assignment (Employment Packet)

On-line Research

T- TC Ch. 18 & 19: Preparing Job Application Materials; Writing Letters

Daily plan

W- Bring Resume and Cover Letter Materials to Class—Peer Review Workshop

TH- Bring Profile and Interview Notes to Class—Peer Review Workshop

F- TC Ch. 11, 12.

Bring 1-page Proposal for Final Project to Class--Peer Review Workshop

Proposal Guidelines in Word.


Week 4, 6/19-6/23

M- Bring Employment Packet Materials to Class—Peer Review Workshop

T- **Employment Packet Assignment Due**

Receive 4th Assignment (Annotated Bibliography); Intro to Annotated Bibliography

W- Writing Workshop and Conference

TH- Bring Annotated Bibliography—Peer Review Workshop

Another example of an MLA bib.

F- Bring Final Project Materials to Class-- Peer Review Workshop


Week 5, 6/26-6/29

M- **Annotated Bibliography Due**

Presentations of Final Projects

Angie Stone Dena Wombolt
Jammi Schumacher Nick Huska
Christine Reed Cristina Scelza
Marilyn Smith

- Presentations of Final Projects

Casey Galloway Keri Taylor
Jen Robertson Chris Scott
Geri Anne Harris Tricia Olson
Amy Pike Monique Murillo

W- Presentations of Final Projects

Candice Ames Samantha Leal
Catherine Jones Ryan Compton
Peggy Wallace Alma Chee
Ian Rodgers Steve Timmer

TH- Last day of class, Presentations of Final Projects (if needed)

Take the day off if we stay on schedule!

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5

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